Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Political System of France

Flag description: While engaged in researching my choosen State of France, I was able to find an
authentic looking flag of France. 
This is a little definition of the flag, three vertical bands of blue (hoist side), white, and red; known as the "Le drapeau tricolore" (French tricolor), the origin of the flag dates to 1790 and the French revolution when the "ancient French color" of white was combined with the blue and red color of the parisian militia; the official flag for all French dependant areas, according to the source CIA-The World Factbook. This is a link to this great France flag:
According to the CIA-The World Factbook (background), France although ultimately a victor of both World War I & II, suffered extensive losses in its empire, wealth, manpower, and rank as a dominant nation-state. Nevertheless, France today is one of the most modern countries in the world and is a leader among European nations. Since 1958 France has constructed a hybrid presidential-parliamentary governing system resistant to the instabilities in earlier more purely parliamentary administrations. In recent years, France's cooperation and reconciliation with Germany have proved central to the economic integration of Europe, including the introduction of the common exchange currency, the Euro, in January 1999, according the the CIA-The World Factbook (Background) section. 
While researching France's constitution on I was able to find an English version of France's constitution. According to the Preamble, which is the introductory explanation,
"the French people solemly proclaim their attachment to the Rights of Man and the principles of national sovereignty as defined by the declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble of the constitution of 1946, and to the rights and duties as defined in the Charter for the Environment of 2004". It goes on to say, "By virtue of these principles and that of the self-determination of peoples, the republic offers to the overseas territories which have expressed the will to adhere to them new institutions founded on the common idea of liberty, equality and fraternity and conceived for the purpose of their democratic development".  
Subsequent to reading this introduction of France's constitution I feel much more confident in France direction.     


  1. Great post! I love that you looked at the Constitution! One suggestion would be to share the link to the Constitution in your post.

    Keep up the good work!
    Dr. J

  2. It i really something to see that France and Germany are working together now after what happened in world war I and II. This no doubt aids both countries and the rest of Europe. I also think its kind of funny that Frances flag looks likes the Italian flag.

  3. To Dr. J, thank you for your appreciation toward my blog. It was greatly appreciated!

  4. To Dale, yes I agree with you. It's good to see that France and Germany have reconciled their differences! Thanks for your comment.
