Monday, February 14, 2011

Second blog of France

Hello, this is my second blog of my State France. In this blog I will discuss a recent Post/blog that I found on the Wall Street Journal Online website. This is an extremely small post/blog by John W. Miller titled "France to MEP's: Strasbourg Stays". In this blog Miller is discussing "Members of the European Parliment". John Miller points out that "On Friday, France fought back, reminding parliamentarians that Europe, at least in this case, is a continent ruled by treaties, not men". According to a government spokesman named "Bernard Valero", the survey that was taken on Friday was "regrettable". Also according to "Benard Valero" "French authorities-will continue to implement concrete actions to affirm Strasbourg’s European dimension and to make working life easier for European MEPs, especially by improving the accessibility and attractiveness of the city.”

This was a very short post/blog and interesting also. I will be keeping tabs on the improvement of the "Members of the European Parliment" and keep the students of Comparative Politics abreast with any changes and/or developments in the near future.

I am going to include this link for your confirmation needs:

In actuality, as I think about it, I did not only think that this posting on the Wall Street Journal was interesting, I found it quite complex to follow. Mainly because I do not have a solid knowlegde base on the state of France. I picked this posting to become more familiarized in the particulars of the "Members of the European Parliment".     

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

J. Searcy (France) blog

Hello, I am a student attending Cardinal Stritch University majoring in Political Science. I am new to this "blog" situation, but it is extremely easy to do. I am taking this interesting Political Science course titled "Comparative Politics". We are required to select a Country (State) of the world. The state that I selected is France. I chose France because I have some ancestry with France that dates back to the 1800, by way of the United States. Now about France,  officially the French Republic........